Protecting Your Molars

Welcome to our protecting your molars blog post! If you have lived in Waco, Texas for any length of time, chances are you have visited the Waco Mammoth National Monument to see the remains of ancient mammoths. And you have probably been to the Cameron Park Zoo to see their modern day cousins, the elephants. […]

A Severely Damaged Tooth Might Be Replaced With a Dental Bridge

An incidental blow to the mouth during sports or from an accident in the home can sometimes impact a tooth with significant force. In some of these cases the patient suffers such severe dental trauma that then only effective course of treatment is to fully extract the root from the socket and suture the gums. […]

All About Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening

Do you have an unattractive smile that suffers from tooth stains? If so, it’s time to consider professional in-office teeth whitening for your smile! Fortunately, there are many different types of treatments that can fix discolored teeth and whiten your teeth to give you brighter results. However, there are only a few treatments that can […]

Educate Yourself About Oral Health Care

A healthy lifestyle includes minimizing risks associated with poor oral health care. Not only will you need to make sure that you’re taking care of your smile with effective cleaning routines, but also to limit unhealthy habits and products in your diet. Furthermore, set forth effective prevention, treatment plans and protective measures for any issues […]

The Helpfulness of Dental Crowns

The helpfulness of dental crowns cannot be overstated. Dental crowns can be helpful if your teeth are suffering from large cavities or severe dental damage. In fact, dental crowns have many uses and can aid our oral health in many different ways. To help you understand more about dental crowns, our dentist, Dr. Latino with […]

Halitosis: Causes and Solutions

Halitosis, or bad breath, can be embarrassing. But what causes halitosis? In this blog post, we’ve collected a few probable causes and solutions for halitosis. Is bad breath embarrassing you? First, assess your dental hygiene routines with complete honesty. Do you brush twice a day, for a full two minutes each time? Are you flossing […]

What To Do About Flossing

We know we are supposed to brush our teeth two times a day. Many of us even do this, for 2 minutes each session, on a consistent basis. We know that brushing removes plaque from teeth, keeping them healthy and strong. But when it comes to flossing, some of us struggle. Let’s review the hows […]

Reducing Your Dental Anxiety Through Natural Methods

Imagine a trip to Hawaii. Now think about a dental cleaning. Given the choice between those two scenarios, most people would take the trip–especially if they have feel anxious about a dental visit. The great news is that you can use natural methods to reduce anxiety, including dental anxiety. Many people feel a certain degree […]

Add a Mouthwash to Your Dental Health Arsenal

Besides getting a professional dental cleaning, you can’t beat the combo of toothbrush and toothpaste when it comes to oral hygiene. Although, consider that there are other dental aids that can help you in your quest for mouth cleanliness. Adding an antibacterial mouthwash to your daily hygiene routine can be excellent for your dental health. […]

A Dental Bridge Might Be Able to Replace a Knocked Out Tooth

A severe blow to the mouth can cause significant oral trauma, which could potentially apply enough force to deeply shatter or knock out a tooth. In a situation like this, emergency dental care is often needed to treat soft tissue damage and assess the treatment options for the traumatized tooth. At Chad Latino DDS, we […]

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To schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Latino, please call us today at (254) 615-3084.