Get Screened for Oral Cancer This Summer

Get screened for oral cancer this summer. The more often you are screened, the better chances of success should you ultimately test positive. Oral cancer is detected in over 40,000 Americans every year. Listed below are some of the most regularly found symptoms of oral cancer: – Be aware of all signs of numbness or loss of feeling in the head, face, and neck areas. – Look for discolored patches in your gum tissue, typically ones that are white and red. – Check for a persistent sore throat or the feeling of a lump in the back of your throat, as well as issues chewing, speaking, eating, and swallowing. – Check for observable damage to your mouth, including eroded areas, patches, rough spots, lumps, and bumps, as well as for sores and lesions that do not heal after 2 weeks. – Dramatic weight loss that is not easily explained could be a mark of cancer. – Look for signs of inexplicable bleeding that is not easily stopped. If you are looking for oral cancer screenings in [city], [state], come see [practice_name] soon. To schedule an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name], simply call our dentist office at [phone]. With the help of our team, the pathway to a healthy smile can be achieved.

Gum Disease Can Hurt Your Oral Health

Gum disease is not something to take lightly. Did you know gum disease is a large reason for adult tooth loss? Well, it’s true! Gum disease can cause damage to your smile and leave you with embarrassing symptoms in its wake. That is why our team at [practice_name] in [city], [state], is here to talk about gum disease and how it can hurt your smile. There are many symptoms of gum disease. Some of these symptoms include bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, permanent wobbly teeth that are loose and separating from the gum line, tenderness, tooth loss, swollen gums, and even bone loss, which is why it is vital to keep your smile safe from gum disease. There are ways to prevent gum disease or reverse it from growing. Some of these ways include brushing regularly, using a mouthwash to help rid your smile of bacteria, and flossing each day to keep food particles from developing plaque between your teeth. The most important thing you can do to fight gum disease is by making an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name]. Your semi-annual checkup is vital to keeping your smile healthy and gum disease far away. To learn more about gum disease, or if you feel you are in need of a dental tune-up, please call us today at [phone] to set up an appointment. Our friendly team is always happy to assist you in any way we can when it comes to your oral health.

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To schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Latino, please call us today at (254) 615-3084.