Reducing Your Dental Anxiety Through Natural Methods

Imagine a trip to Hawaii. Now think about a dental cleaning. Given the choice between those two scenarios, most people would take the trip–especially if they have feel anxious about a dental visit. The great news is that you can use natural methods to reduce anxiety, including dental anxiety. Many people feel a certain degree of nervousness when thinking about a trip to the dentist. That anxiety can increase if the treatment involves a procedure such as root canal, a filling, or extraction. While medication can provide relief for anxiety, some people prefer to avoid chemical sedation. Here are some alternative suggestions for those who want to relax during their appointment without the drugs. Mental images: Imagine you are someplace else is a good way to relax. Pretend you are on that tropical island, or another favorite place. Breathing: Deep breathing can be used in conjunction with other relaxation techniques. Although some people have found that concentrating on taking slow deep breaths is all that is needed to become calm. Hypnosis: A focused form of relaxation training that can help anxiety. it’s not just for laughs at a Las Vegas stage show. Preparation: Plain old common sense is an excellent way to reduce stress. Simply plan ahead and prep both your mind for the appointment. Book a time when you won’t feel rushed or stressed-out. Avoid caffeinated drinks and sugar before the visit. You should talk to your dentist about your anxiety. If you are feeling anxious about your visit with our Waco dentist, Dr. Latino, we would be happy to talk with you! We can help you reduce your dental anxiety through natural methods and through our sedation dentistry in Waco, Texas. Please contact Chad Latino DDS at 254-615-3084 to schedule your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide and Your Dental Visit

There are some people who are fine with visiting the dentist. There are others who look forward to their appointment every six months. And then there are those people who may experience anything from mild anxiety to a phobia when it comes to seeing the dentist. Many people are nervous or or even frightened at the prospect of a dental visit. While such feelings are not uncommon, if they keep you from your dental appointments, you run the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral problems. Instead of avoiding your dentist, why not talk to [himher] about your dental anxiety? Fear should not keep you out of the dentist chair, and your dentist will be happy to work with you to find a solution. One way to address your dental anxiety is through the use of nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas has been used in many dental practices for years, and many dentist prefer to use it for the sedation of children. It is mixed with oxygen, and administered to the patient through a mask placed over the nose. The patient will be relaxed, but will not be unconscious and can still communicate with the dental staff if necessary. The effects of the gas wear off within minutes after it has been removed, and there are no lingering effects. In fact, you will be able to drive yourself home after your appointment If visiting the dentist sends a chill up your spine, talk to our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name] about using nitrous oxide. If you live in the [city], [state], area and would like to schedule an appointment at [practice_name], call [phone] today.

Protecting Teeth With Dental Sealants

Each of your teeth has an important job to do, and they are constructed specifically to do a particular job. In the case of your back teeth, which are called your molars and premolars, their job is crush and grind your food so that it is easier to swallow and digest. To make that job easier, those teeth have ridges on them which are called cusps. Those cusps are very good at helping us chew our food, but they also create places for food debris and acids to accumulate and for plaque to breed. When those three combine, you can be faced with cavities, lost teeth and gum disease. Protecting your teeth and molars with dental sealants can help. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day will help, since your toothbrush may not be able to reach those areas created by the cusps. To protect your back teeth, your dentist may apply dental sealants. Sealants are thin layers of plastic applied directly to the chewing surfaces of your molars and premolars, that act as an extra layer of protection for your tooth enamel. First, the tooth is washed, and thoroughly dried. An acid solution is applied to the surface to roughen it up. This will allow the sealants to better adhere to your tooth. After the sealant is applied, the dentist will cure it with a special light, or allow it to harden on its own. Dental sealants work best if they are applied early, and for that reason they are applied as soon as a person’s molars and premolars erupt. This is also the time when children are most vulnerable to cavities. However, if your back teeth are in good shape, or if you are at heightened risk for cavities, your dentist may suggest using dental sealants. You will still need to brush twice a day, floss once a day, and see your dentist for your cleanings and exams. Keep in mind that the sealants only cover the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. Dental sealants are an effective preventative measure. If it is time for dental sealants for your child, or if you are considering getting dental sealants for yourself, you should speak with our dentist, Dr. Latino. If you live in the Waco, Texas, area, call 254-615-3084 to make an appointment at Chad Latino DDS.

Should You Choose an Implant or a Bridge?

There are good reasons for replacing missing teeth. Not only will tooth-restoration improve your appearance and help you to look younger, it can also improve your ability to eat and speak. Additionally, empty spaces in your smile give plaque and bacteria extra places to accumulate, which can lead to gum disease and tooth loss. If you’ve ever wondered if you should replace a tooth with an implant or a bridge, the following information might help. Implants are very popular, since they sit directly in your jawbone, and do not need to be removed to be cleaned. They are also very sturdy, long-lasting and natural-looking. Be that as it may, not everyone is a good candidate for implants. If your gums are not healthy, or if you do not have enough bone in your jaw to support the implant, your dentist may suggest another restoration option. Certain medications and medical conditions, including pregnancy, may mean that implants are not for you. In that case, the dentist may suggest a dental bridge. A bridge is an effective way to replace missing teeth. It also does not require the surgery needed for implants. To place a bridge, the dentist will remove the enamel from the tooth on each end of the gap. These teeth will receive crowns and will serve as the anchors for the bridge. The dentist will take an impression of the teeth and the gap, fit you with temporary crowns and a bridge, and send the impression to a dental lab. There, a technician will create your permanent bridge. When it is ready, the dentist will remove the temporary bridgework and cement the new crowns and bridge in place. If you are missing one or more teeth, you should talk to Dr. Latino about your restoration options, including an implant or a bridge. If you need implants or a crown, Dr. Latino and the staff at Chad Latino DDS can help you find the right solution for you. Contact us to schedule an appointment.

Could You Use a Deep Cleaning?

Even if you carefully brush and floss every day, you will still have plaque. It is a fact of life, and just a part of having teeth. However, if you do not keep up with your brushing and flossing, plaque can build up on your teeth and eventually harden into a tougher substance known as tartar. Plaque can cause your gums to recede, which then gives the plaque a chance to form below the gumline. If that happens, you could lose teeth and even parts of your jawbone. That sounds very serious, and it is. However, your dentist can treat the problem with a deep cleaning, which is also known as scaling and root planing. In scaling, the dentist uses an instrument to remove the plaque and tartar above and below the gumline. With root planing, the dentist will smooth out the roots of your tooth so that they can re-attach themselves to your gums. After your procedure, you may have some pain the next day, and your teeth may be somewhat sensitive for a week afterwards. If this pain continues longer than a day, let your dentist know during your follow-up appointment. During that appointment, the dentist will also measure the depths of the pockets of your gums to see how the healing is progressing, or if further treatment is necessary. If you have noticed that you have tender, red, swollen or bleeding gums, our dentist, Dr. Latino may be able to help you with a deep cleaning. If you would like to schedule an appointment for a deep cleaning, or it is just time for your regular dental exam, give us a call. If you live in the Waco, Texas, area, you can reach Chad Latino DDS at 254-615-3084. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Principles Concerning Mouthwash

Have you heard that mouthwash is a very safe and reliable option for treating your smile? Even though there are many brands and products available in the mouthwash collection, as long as you follow a few simple guidelines, the products you select can be safe to use and can aid you in a variety of ways. For a better understanding of the basics of mouthwash, listed below are principles concerning mouthwash: – If you are frequently suffering from bad breath, mouthwash can help to freshen breath and temporarily relieve you of the symptoms. – Enhance the look of your smile by using mouthwash products that contain teeth whitening treatments. – Making the decision about which mouthwash to add to your oral health care routine does not have to be done alone, as you can ask your dentist for product suggestions. – For extra safety and security, only choose mouthwash products that have been given the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance. – Mouthwash can be used to keep your smile healthy by eradicating plaque buildup and harmful acids which cause dental erosion, which thereby lowers your risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Our team at Chad Latino DDS focuses on a variety of oral health care treatments to suit all your needs. If you would like an oral exam from Dr. Latino, please book an appointment to come see us at our dentist office in Waco, Texas. We can be reached at 254-615-3084. The perfect smile of your dreams is only a visit away!

First Aid for a Toothache

A toothache is not only painful, it is a distraction from the rest of your life, and if left untreated, it will only get worse. At the first sign of a toothache, you should contact Dr. [doctor_name] at [practice_name] in [city], [state]. A toothache can be caused by the buildup of food or other debris between your teeth; an infection in your tooth’s root; a split or crack, or even a sinus infection. The most common cause however, is tooth decay. If a toothache strikes, call us at [phone] and we will schedule an appoint for the doctor to see you. In the meantime, you can do the following: Rinse your mouth with warm water Floss between your teeth to remove any particles or plaque Use an over-the-counter pain reliever Some pain relievers contain benzocaine, but before using those products, talk with us first. Benzocaine has been linked to some health complications, and should never be used for kids under 2 years old without medical supervision. If you do choose a product with benzocaine, do not exceed the recommended dosage. No matter how bad or how little your tooth hurts contact us at [practice_name] at the first sign of an any discomfort.

Are You Using the Right Mouthwash?

As an ideal supplementary oral health care cleaning product, mouthwash can be the perfect addition to any oral health care cleaning regimen. If you are already using the products, it is important to ask yourself if you are using the right mouthwash? Listed below are important facts regarding mouthwash and its many uses: – Improve the guise of your teeth by using mouthwash products that contain teeth whitening treatments. – Mouthwash can be used to keep your smile healthy by getting rid of plaque buildup and harmful acids which cause dental erosion. – Various mouthwash products can produce a wide array of services including enamel protection, teeth whitening, fresh breath, and bacteria removal. – If you are frequently suffering from bad breath, mouthwash can help to freshen breath and temporarily relieve you of the symptoms. – Ask your dentist for product recommendations when making the decision about which mouthwash to use. – For added safety and security, only choose mouthwash products that have been given the ADA’s Seal of Acceptance. Come in and see for yourself the magic of our oral health care treatments. To schedule an appointment with Dr. [doctor_name] and our team at our dentist office in [city], [state], call [practice_name] at [phone] and a member of our team will gladly assist you. Come in today and improve your smile with our help.

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