Reducing Your Dental Anxiety Through Natural Methods

Imagine a trip to Hawaii. Now think about a dental cleaning. Given the choice between those two scenarios, most people would take the trip–especially if they have feel anxious about a dental visit. The great news is that you can use natural methods to reduce anxiety, including dental anxiety. Many people feel a certain degree of nervousness when thinking about a trip to the dentist. That anxiety can increase if the treatment involves a procedure such as root canal, a filling, or extraction. While medication can provide relief for anxiety, some people prefer to avoid chemical sedation. Here are some alternative suggestions for those who want to relax during their appointment without the drugs. Mental images: Imagine you are someplace else is a good way to relax. Pretend you are on that tropical island, or another favorite place. Breathing: Deep breathing can be used in conjunction with other relaxation techniques. Although some people have found that concentrating on taking slow deep breaths is all that is needed to become calm. Hypnosis: A focused form of relaxation training that can help anxiety. it’s not just for laughs at a Las Vegas stage show. Preparation: Plain old common sense is an excellent way to reduce stress. Simply plan ahead and prep both your mind for the appointment. Book a time when you won’t feel rushed or stressed-out. Avoid caffeinated drinks and sugar before the visit. You should talk to your dentist about your anxiety. If you are feeling anxious about your visit with our Waco dentist, Dr. Latino, we would be happy to talk with you! We can help you reduce your dental anxiety through natural methods and through our sedation dentistry in Waco, Texas. Please contact Chad Latino DDS at 254-615-3084 to schedule your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide and Your Dental Visit

There are some people who are fine with visiting the dentist. There are others who look forward to their appointment every six months. And then there are those people who may experience anything from mild anxiety to a phobia when it comes to seeing the dentist. Many people are nervous or or even frightened at the prospect of a dental visit. While such feelings are not uncommon, if they keep you from your dental appointments, you run the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral problems. Instead of avoiding your dentist, why not talk to [himher] about your dental anxiety? Fear should not keep you out of the dentist chair, and your dentist will be happy to work with you to find a solution. One way to address your dental anxiety is through the use of nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas has been used in many dental practices for years, and many dentist prefer to use it for the sedation of children. It is mixed with oxygen, and administered to the patient through a mask placed over the nose. The patient will be relaxed, but will not be unconscious and can still communicate with the dental staff if necessary. The effects of the gas wear off within minutes after it has been removed, and there are no lingering effects. In fact, you will be able to drive yourself home after your appointment If visiting the dentist sends a chill up your spine, talk to our dentist, Dr. [doctor_name] about using nitrous oxide. If you live in the [city], [state], area and would like to schedule an appointment at [practice_name], call [phone] today.

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