Should I Whiten My Teeth?

Are your teeth stained or yellowed? Do you yearn for a brighter, whiter smile? Teeth whitening in Waco,  Texas, may be for you. At our office, we offer both in-office and take-home whitening for your convenience. However, there are some things you should discuss with Dr. Latino first. The following can make this procedure less successful: Age & Pregnancy Teeth whitening is not recommended for those under the age of 16. The pulp chamber of the tooth is enlarged until 16, and this procedure could irritate the pulp. Our dentist also does not recommend it for those who are pregnant or lactating. Sensitive Teeth If you have sensitive teeth or gums or receding gums, make sure you consult with Dr. Latino before whitening your teeth. Also, be sure to talk with our dentist if you have any faulty dental restorations. Allergies If you are allergic to peroxide, please do not whiten your teeth, as peroxide is the whitening agent. Gum Disease & Worn Tooth Enamel Our dentist may not recommend teeth whitening for those who suffer from gum disease or who have worn enamel. Darkly Stained Teeth Yellowed teeth respond well to whitening products. However, brownish teeth do not respond as well and grayish or purplish teeth do not respond to whitening procedures at all. Talk to our dentist about other options to improve the appearance of your smile if you have darkly stained teeth. Dental Restorations Dental restorations like bridges, crowns, and fillings will not respond to whitening. Because of this, those with dental restorations that whiten their smile will have an uneven result. The teeth without restorations will appear lighter than those with restorations. Feel free to contact our dental office today to learn more about teeth whitening and our other cosmetic dental services and to schedule a consultation. Dr. Latino is your Waco dentist, offering comprehensive, quality dental care such as cosmetic dentistry in Waco, Texas.

Fixing Discolored Teeth

So many people have discolored teeth, yet so few know that getting those teeth to shine white and bright again is a very simple, easy procedure. It’s a procedure we’re proud to offer to our patients here at [practice_name] in [state], and one we encourage you to consider if you’re in need of fixing some discolored teeth. Let’s look at what Dr. [doctor_name] can do for you. Why use professional whitening? Taking time from your busy schedule to come into our office for a whitening can seem a bit redundant with all the over-the-counter whitening solutions you can buy straight from the grocery store. However, there are some big advantages to using professional whitening services. Professional whitening is far more effective than over-the-counter solutions. Dr. [doctor_name] has access to whitening products far more powerful than anything you can buy at the store, which means your teeth will become whiter much quicker. It’s also less of a hassle to have someone else whiten your teeth. Filling the trays at home and trying not to get the whitening gel on your gums isn’t always the easiest thing to do. During professional whitening, however, you don’t have to worry about that as our professional team will ensure your whitening experience is easy and pain-free. If you’re ready for those discolored teeth to go from gray to great, then call us today at [phone] and get started on your teeth whitening journey!

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To schedule an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Latino, please call us today at (254) 615-3084.