Feel More Comfortable With Sedation Dentistry

If you often become nervous or anxious before dental treatment, we encourage you to ask Dr. [doctor_name] about sedation dentistry in [city], [state]. Our dentist and team are committed to helping you feel calm and relaxed in the dental chair. Sedation dentistry is also used for complex treatments. We offer several types of dental sedation at our dental office. Nitrous Oxide Nitrous oxide, which is commonly known as “laughing gas,” can help decrease nervousness or anxiety and increase comfort and ease. Nitrous oxide is very safe and will not put you to sleep. A small mask will be placed over your mouth and nose, through which the nitrous oxide will be inhaled. Nitrous oxide wears off quickly, so you should be able to drive yourself home after your visit. Oral Sedation Oral sedation uses a pill that is taken by mouth about an hour before your appointment. Oral sedation will make you drowsy, but you will remain awake. The dosage given will be based on your needs and our dentist’s suggestion. Some patients become drowsy enough that they drift off during treatment, but they can be awakened with a gentle shake. IV Sedation IV sedation involves a sedative being injected into a vein. With this technique, Dr. [doctor_name] can provide a deeper level of sedation. You will be awake, but you won’t remember much of your visit. IV sedation requires recovery time after you leave the office. For more information about sedation dentistry and to schedule a visit, feel free to contact [practice_name] today.