A Severely Damaged Tooth Might Be Replaced With a Dental Bridge

An incidental blow to the mouth during sports or from an accident in the home can sometimes impact a tooth with significant force. In some of these cases the patient suffers such severe dental trauma that then only effective course of treatment is to fully extract the root from the socket and suture the gums. […]

A Dental Bridge Might Be Able to Replace a Knocked Out Tooth

A severe blow to the mouth can cause significant oral trauma, which could potentially apply enough force to deeply shatter or knock out a tooth. In a situation like this, emergency dental care is often needed to treat soft tissue damage and assess the treatment options for the traumatized tooth. At Chad Latino DDS, we […]

A Bridge Is One Effective Way to Replace a Knocked Out Tooth

Each of the teeth in your mouth are anchored into their sockets by strong periodontal ligaments. These ligaments are meant to hold each tooth in place for daily activities like biting off, chewing and grinding foods. There are other times when something like a hard fall or a blow to the face hits with such […]

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